Kim Jong health position very critical. Com

Kim Jong position very critical

21 Apr, 2020 09:27 

Pong Korean Yang mike: north Korean President Kim jong UN UN health has been worsened. On Monday night, he was reported to be seriously ill. Kim's situation is now alarming and there is big news. Kim jong UN muhammad was present at the celebration of his grandfather Kim il sang jayanti in north Korea. This led to a serious discussion on his health condition. It is reported that Kim Kim has been treated in the hospital for some time. Surgery was also performed due to an illness. After that Kim Kim is staying away from outside world. (what is happening to supreme leader Kim Kim?) on the other hand, it has now become a matter of serious debate as to why Kim jung und has been silent for the past month. There is a worldwide debate as to why Kim jung UN does not appear in the news with what he does. There are no nuclear tests and missile tests. The President's health condition, however, did not rec announcement from north Korea


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